Introduction & Overview

Use of the Taka University site and its various services is subject to acceptance of these terms of use. By accessing Taka University, you agree to regularly refer to the latest version of the Terms of Use permanently available on this site. In the event of disrespect or non-compliance with these conditions or bad behavior towards a member, Taka University reserves the right to prohibit or restrict access to the site and on its other service platforms, including but not limited to YouTube, Twitch, Discord, Slack, and Instagram.

For all our services on Live

This part includes Private lessons, Discord, Twitch, Zoom for Platinum members, and the affiliated YouTube channels.
Please be respectful. Please try to get along with other people and be respectful of their opinions.

  1. Harassment, trolling, and/or threats will not be tolerated.
    If you are experiencing issues, please contact a community manager and we will endeavor to solve the issue.
  2. No doxing or sharing of personal information. Example: Instagram, Facebook accounts, or images of others.
    Do not share or post inappropriate content, including links. This includes offensive, discriminative, or sexual content.
  3. Do not spam excessive messages. This includes useless messages, as well as constant spam.
  4. No form of sexism, racism, or any other form of discrimination will be tolerated.
  5. To respect people and their private lives, questions, and comments of a private or intimate nature are prohibited.
    Recurring questions or comments we deem harassing or inappropriate will be deleted and we reserve the right to enforce consequences such as limited access, temporary or permanent banishment.
  6. We reserve the right to refuse or suspend any exchange (ex: private lessons) videos (ex: Zoom) without justification.

Private Lessons

All lessons on Zoom will be recorded for safety and security reasons. The content will remain private and will not be used for any other purpose. This rule is not negotiable – it is necessary to record all lessons, regardless of the reason.

If you are late by more than 10 minutes, the tutor will assume you are absent, however, it will count towards your completed lessons.

Tutor schedules will be updated every 2-4 weeks, depending on the tutor. You can make a reservation up to 2-4 weeks in advance.

Reservations, rescheduling, and cancellations must be done more than 24 hours in advance of the lesson’s scheduled start time.

Tutors reserve the right to refuse to continue a course or to cancel lessons with anyone who deviates from the stated rules or has inappropriate expectations.

Zoom addresses are reserved for use by learners only, and must not be shared or made public under any circumstances.

All rights reserved

Unless specific content directs otherwise, no license or other right is granted to you under copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights. This means that you will not use, copy, reproduce, perform, display, distribute, integrate into electronic media, modify, decompile, transfer, download, monetize, sell, commodify or market any of our resources (this Website, our YouTube channels, Twitch, Instagram, Textbooks) in any form whatsoever, without our prior written permission, except and only to the extent that it is otherwise stipulated in mandatory legal regulations (such as the right to quote ).

These contents are for personal use only. Reproduction is strictly prohibited. These are created and maintained by Taka University. Please don’t forget to respect the editors and collaborators.

Affiliate Marketing

With this website and our other platforms mentioned above, we will be able to engage in affiliate marketing whereby we will receive a percentage or commission on the sale of services or products on or through this website. We may also accept sponsorship or other forms of advertising compensation from businesses and individuals. This publication is intended to comply with legal marketing and advertising requirements that may apply.

Damage and viruses

It is the responsibility of the user, visitor, member of the Taka University to take the necessary precautions to avoid any contamination of the site, or the sites of partners to which Taka University offers a link, in particular by one or more “viruses”.
For its part, Taka University declines all responsibility for damage, direct or indirect, and whatever the causes, origins, nature, or consequences, including any deterioration or virus that could infect the user’s computer equipment including any other equipment

Violation of these Terms of Use

Without prejudice to our other rights under these terms and conditions, if you violate these terms and conditions in any way, we may take such steps as we deem appropriate to deal with the breach, including temporarily or permanently suspending your accessing the website, YouTube channels, Discord, Twitch, Instagram and membership privileges, contacting your Internet service provider to ask them to block your access to the website, and/or take legal action against you.


These Terms and Use will be translated exclusively into English. All others notifications and correspondence may be in English, Japanese, or French. To contact us, please see >> here 

Payment Information

We do not collect any payment information from you. We use commercially reasonable efforts to select an appropriate company to maintain the confidentiality and security of your payment information.

General behavior

Each user, visitor, the member undertakes to respect the Terms and Use, as well as all the rules related to the use of the various services and platforms (Website, YouTube channels, Twitch, Instagram, Textbook.).
Any behavior clearly contrary to good morals (rudeness, harassment, threats, insults, etc.) or to the aforementioned general conditions may be subject to consequences as defined.