Translation Service

Are you looking for a competitive translation service?
Do you like the idea of supporting students in learning new languages?
At Taka University, we have a large, multi-cultural, dedicated learning community ready to translate any documents.
Our translation service will firstly translate your document by our senior learning community member.
Then, a native speaker will do the quality control to certify a translation that meets our high standard.
This concept will not only give your access to our very competitive prices but will also support a great cause!


Our base price is $10 USD / 100 words, please fill in a quote to get a more accurate estimate.

Supported Content

We translate your content into more natural and engaging sentences. If you want to expand the market to Japan or start a business with Japanese companies, please use this service. And if you’d like to work in Japan, you should use this service to make more professional resumes and email.


We can make a professional Email in Japanese.

CV, Resume

We can make your CV more attractive and professional.

Website, LP

We can support your service for marketing in Japan.

SNS: Instagram, YouTube

We can support your content to reach Japanese followers.

Supported Languages


